Intensely fruity. Try spreading over croissants and fresh crusty bread
or as part of a cream tea with scones and cream.
Serves: 1 Jar
Effort Level: Easy
Shelf Life: 2 weeks in fridge
250g tart dark plums
60ml sloe gin, port or vodka
50g caster sugar
2 heaped tsp powdered gelatine (SuperCook and Dr Oetker are both good)
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
Small saucepan
Blender stick,processor or liquidiser
N.B: Concentrate on blitzing the plums only and not the juice, as I’ve found the gelatine doesn’t set so well otherwise.
Here’s What You Do:
Wash the plums and place in a small saucepan with the sugar and your alcohol of choice. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer gently over a low heat for 10 minutes or until soft, then take off the heat, scoop the plums onto a plate and leave them to cool.
Next, sprinkle the gelatine onto the hot plum liquid and stir well until dissolved. If necessary return the pan to a very low heat stirring constantly.
Once the plums are cool enough to handle remove their stones and return them to the saucepan. Add ¼ tsp cinnamon and concentrate on blending just the fruit then mix with the juice and transfer to a sterilised jar and keep refrigerated.