Serving Size: 4 Servings
Preparation & Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Effort Level: Easy
Shelf Life: Up to 12 months in freezer
175g caster sugar
250ml water
200ml Seville orange juice
1 tsp cloves
2 tbsp The English Provender orange flower water*
*Available from large supermarkets
Heavy based saucepan
Lemon squeezer or reamer
Fine microplane
Loaf tin or shallow dish
Fork or teaspoon
Here’s What You Do:
Place 175g sugar, 1 tsp cloves, 250ml water and zest of one orange in a heavy based saucepan and bring to boil over a moderate heat.
Once the syrup begins to boil, reduce the heat and simmer gently for 10 -15 minutes.
Remove the syrup from the heat and leave to cool allowing the flavours infuse.
Meanwhile, squeeze 200ml juice from the Seville oranges and add to the pan along with 2 tablespoons of orange flower water.
Once cool, fish out the cloves with a fork or teaspoon (don’t use a sieve or you’ll remove the zest) then pour the contents into a loaf tin or similar container and place in the freezer.
Leave to freeze for several hours then blitz in the food processor till smooth, failing that stir briskly with a fork to break up the ice crystals and return to the freezer to reset for an hour. Otherwise transfer to a plastic container if planning to serve at a later date.
What a brilliant idea, I love cloves. Might have to make this.
Very easy to make and delicious (I stuck my finger in to see how frozen it was, haven’t actually served it up yet).
Loved the fact that the recipe printed off nicely on a single page.
I found the orange flower water at Waitrose – it really does make a difference.
Be warned – Seville oranges have plenty of pips – it took the 15 minutes of simmer time to get the orange juice squeezed. Also, note that you need about 10 oranges as they’re small.
I’ve noticed the fruit are smaller and less juicy this year compared to last.
For anyone new to Seville oranges, I recommend reading my Bitter Sweet Treat post before starting on the recipes, as it tells you to expect lots of pips and expect to use two dozen fruit for all three recipes.