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Quince & Rose Water
Sage & Apple

All Organic & No Nasty Additives
Net Weight: 250g
Price: £3.95

Both these organic jellies are hand made the old fashioned way with great care and attention to detail. All the fruit is specially selected then cooked very gently in small batches using wide pans to preserve their fruity flavours. Next, the juice is filtered through fine muslin cloths over a 24 hour period and lastly it is boiled briskly with sugar until a soft set jelly is produced.

white-label-c4100% NATURAL:
All Organic And No Nasties!
These soft set jellies are bursting with flavour and do not contain any artificial preservatives, thickeners, gelling agents, citrus pectins, colourings or emulsifiers and are bottled using environmentally friendly glass.

apple-sge-jelly-on-spoon7SAGE & APPLE JELLY
A brilliant match with sausages, roast pork, duck, goose and turkey. A beautifully clear jelly with slivers of sage magically suspended within it. Ingredients: Organic apples & sage, raw cane sugar, cold pressed organic cider vinegar and purified water. 

A wonderful accompaniment with lamb, game, cold meats, cheese or simply spread on toast. This exotic jewel coloured jelly and infused with rose water is full of Eastern promise… Ingredients: Organic quince, rose water, cane sugar and purified water.

quince-rose-water-jelly1LOCAL ORDERS
CASH & COLLECT You are very welcome to pick up your order directly from me to save on postage costs. Please email or call to make arrangements.
Contact Details:
01666 502727

£15 for box of four plus £4.95 postage instead of £6.95 saving you £2.75. Please email if you require a message sent with your order.

A standard charge of £4.95 for postage and packing is made for all orders.




8 Responses to “ORGANIC JELLIES”

  1. Uma says:

    Dear Linda, I’m so glad you enjoy my website and have found the tips useful.
    Thanks for enquiring about the jellies. I’m only selling to local deli’s these days due to the massive increase in postage. Can you believe – a box of four now costs £8.00 to send 2nd class and £9.10 to send signed for, which is outrageous!! And this year, I have such a hectic schedule I doubt I’ll be making any at all.
    I’m in Glos, so miles from you for doing demo’s. But I shall be making mini films available as downloads which will become available next year, along with my cook book which is coming out on kindle. So hopefully this will provide a solution, hope this helps!
    Uma x

  2. Linda says:

    Hello Uma. I have just enjoyed a happy hour browsing your recipes and writing some down to cook this week end ! So I am wondering if you are near to me in Nantwich, Cheshire and do you do any of the farmers markets. I would love to come to a cooking demonstration if you are doing any and I would like to order some of the sage and apply jelly if you have some. I am sure some of my questions are on your web site but came across this enquiry box and wanted to thank you for your tips and great ideas ! Look forward to hearing from you. I can travel if necessary !

  3. Wendy Porter says:

    We bought four of your jellies for Christmas presents all of which were warmly recieved by friends and relatives with reports coming back of how delicious they were and what delightful jars. A pity you don’t have any quince left but I wish to order two sage and apple please Uma!

  4. Uma says:

    Hi Nina,
    Thanks for your order!
    Have a great Christmas
    Uma x

  5. Uma says:

    Thanks Bruce! I’m going jelly mad – production is getting out of control….

  6. Bruce says:

    Outstanding! The jelly’s look and taste exquisite.
    My parcel of goodies arrived safely and promptly on Saturday – I’m beginning to wish I’d ordered more.

  7. Judy Buchanan says:

    Dear Uma,
    We had pork for supper tonight which was vastly improved by the accompaniment of your truly tasty sage and apple jelly. The conversation around the table was punctuated by requests to ‘pass the sage and apple jelly’….. ‘hang on, I want some first!’. Delicious and so pretty. A labour of ‘jelly bag’ love too, I have no doubt. My mother used to make vast quantities of crab apple jelly and I have childhood memories of great muslin bags suspended from the ceiling and dripping for ever! Thank you for parting with a pot for us to enjoy.
    Judy Buchanan

  8. Nina Harris says:

    The jellies look awesome and just what I’m looking for. What a great gift – placing my order now.

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